Tech driven Human Resource Management

Are you harnessing today’s technologies to efficiently manage your workforce?
Technology can help you automate and streamline processes in the employee life-cycle from hiring, on-boarding, training to compensation, benefits, retention, and exit. Help in other important areas under the scope of HR and business administration such as training, grievances, team building, communication, compliance, new business development and personal employee development through centralized employee information systems. From simple yet powerful collaboration tools such as G suite, Office 365,, Asana, Slack, Trello, Jira, Docsie, Miro and mobile shift management platforms such as Planday, today, every aspect of HR is impacted by technology. We will discuss the tools to further enhance people processes and workforce capabilities.
It is imperative as a HR professional, you keep abreast of technological trends that greatly influence business efficiency which includes a well trained satisfied human resource. From identifying the right employees to effectively managing, engaging with empathy and allowing you to further cement your competitive edge in the market, technology is a key.
Join us for a Media Monday special to find out how new age technology is making businesses more profitable while maintaining employee integrity and morale.
1st speaker

We will be discussing the the type of tech that could directly be incorporated into your workforce.
The include tech that enables a company to function with fewer sick days taken by employees, less turnover, better morale and productivity, improved recruiting power, improved reputation for employee-friendly corporate culture.
In addition we will be discussing how you could get potential tax breaks and grants using these parameters
The presentation would be concluded with introducing a new HRM Strategy consisting of Talent management, Performance management, Competency management, Succession planning as well as aligning your HR towards New markets and New business verticals
2nd speaker

The presentation would be on the latest software solutions and their ability to deliver
Big data in HRM, giving a deeper understanding of customers to identify the right candidates through a fact- based data driven view of the current workforce. Identify emerging trends so as to shortlist/identify new candidates with related expertise/education,
Predictive analytics: Looking at data across the company, predict which employees dissatisfied or pro-actively address the issue…
Workplace telemetry to identify performance dip due to lack of training. Identify other work environmental issue such as co workers/subordinates/supervisors level Individual affinities, ensuring exact pay raise and to enable employees with the tools for better life-work balance
3rd speaker

The next generation in HRM, AI and machine learning to empower your employees
Artificial intelligence in HRM is about ensuring that your your Human capital is performing at their optimum efficiency.
Technology that enables your work to be sorted and scheduled before the workday begins, so the employees barely need to press "send" on important emails.
An AI based candidate screening for during hiring followed with chat bots to help with the hiring process as well as On-boarding and training. Streamline payroll, vacations and leave while ensuring data security and privacy.
Machine learning based performance tracking and competency mapping to have unbiased assessments for identifying key employees for promotions, new/crucial projects, hidden talents and brand ambassadors.
Tracking and managing external candidates for volunteer, internship or project based hires and sharing information with government agencies.
Booth #1 HP
Unlock the full potential of VR with the most powerful wearable VR PC ever created. his light, comfortable backpack and hot swappable batteries lets you work, demonstrate, or train people with VR in any space

Booth #2 VR Oslo
The aim of VR Oslo business cluster is to provide expert knowledge in Norway and internationally, serving local and global markets. VR Oslo is a testing ground for students, startups, and enthusiasts, where they can share insights with the biggest players on the globe

Booth #3 Rainfall AS
Rainfall works with AI/ VR/ AR and IOT through our Inhouse department and is an IT company with 41 employees and offices in London and Bergen. Be sure to smile at our emotion detecting light bulb it knows if you are happy or angry

Booth #4 3d-Viewing
Digitally map buildings giving people the freedom to experience any place at any time. Create 3D models as a primary medium for experiencing, sharing, and re-imagining the world around you. Automated, high-quality reality capture and distribution at the push of a button. Scan any place lightning-fast, incredible ease, and fully automated.

Booth #5 VRDen
Unique experience center that offers the latest virtual reality technology. Such as racing and flight simulators with VR glasses and moving seats. You can play in many shooting VR games, run roller coaster, fly an X wing fighter through star destroyers and much more

Booth #6 Sennheiser
Sennheiser is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of headphones, microphones and wireless transmission technology.
We shape the future of audio, based on our heritage, innovation culture, and passion for excellence

Booth #7 NEXTGen
NextGen is a digital design bureau tackling 3D, VR and Mixed reality digital marketing challenges. They deliver customized virtual reality experiences and generate leads using VR

4th speaker

Here we will talk about new inexpensive hardware and software that enables managing your workforce on the filed or away from the desk.
Technology such as IoT, haptics, wearable tech and robotics in HRM. Wellness apps connected to computer vision enabled video feed motion detectors and wearable brainwave sensors that highlight employee state of mind to alert of stress. Temperature sensors, smart watches and rings to help measuring and regulate sleep, physical inactivity.
In addition we will be speaking of haptics to stimulate, guide, remind and train.
The presentation would conclude with how tech such as robotics assisted limb extensions and lifting support is helping with work in harsh inhospitable conditions with the comfort of our office. Those working late hours, weekends and holidays
5th speaker

We will have a fun presentation on Mixed reality and other interactive tools in HRM.
How these tools are successful at delivering Interactive sexual harassment training, on the job training and guidance, remote assistance, diagnosis, real time reporting on projects, employee performance.
Interactive corporate wellness initiatives such as Team building: using VR-AR, motivation, building employee morale and collaborative remote training, practicing.
In addition the tech could be to visualize aggregated data in a virtual environment to ensure proper resource allocation for projects.
Finally we would conclude with how this tech is used for deeper assessment of new hires/candidates using conversational interface and circumstance based simulations.